
KCC invites Empire Electric customers to public hearing on proposed rate hike
Topeka, Ks – The Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) is holding a public hearing Tuesday, November 16 beginning at 6 p.m. via Zoom to allow Empire District Electric (Liberty) customers the opportunity to ask questions and make comments about the company’s recent rate increase request. On May 28, Empire filed an application with the KCC requesting to increase its rates to recover the costs of three wind projects, the retirement of its Asbury coal plant, and investments to strengthen and modernize its electric infrastructure and systems. If approved, residential customers with average usage will pay an additional $4.97 per month, an increase of 4.47%. The increase would impact all of Empire’s 9,688 Kansas retail customers, including residential, commercial, industrial, in addition to public authority and street and highway customers. To view the hearing without participating, tune in to the KCC You Tube Channel where the hearing will also be available for later viewing. Comments will be accepted through March 10, 2022 at 5 p.m. For more information, call 1-800-662-0027 or 785-271-3140.